Friday 8 August 2008

Emma Watson Center of Attention at Polo Party

Harry Potter star Emma Watson was the center of male attention during a classy polo equal at the weekend.

The teen -- wHO plays Hermione Granger in the boy wizard film franchise -- was snapped in the company of at least three young men, only reportedly rebuffed their advances.

Emma, 18, caught the attention of Italian actor Roberto Agnillera, with whom she sat in the royal box to watch the match; Michael Walker, an 18-year-old wHO has merely left Eton and is waiting to find out if he has north Korean won a place at Cambridge University; and Francis Boulle, a philosophy student at Edinburgh University.

Boulle, 19, was seated succeeding to Watson at lunch and said afterwards, "She was very sweet and we had a caboodle in common."

However, despite all the interest from members of the opposite sexual practice, Emma left her male admirers thwarted when she went abode with a female friend.

An onlooker told Britain's Daily Mirror newspaper, "It was very funny to see - she's clearly hard to beget."

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